"Human Making Tech Making Art Making Human" is an exhibition and interactive project conceived and produced by Particle in collaboration with the National Museum of Digital Art (MNAD) that takes place in one of the two iconic Caselli Daziali buildings in the center of the square (future location of the MNAD offices). The solo exhibition by American artist Addie Wagenknecht, is enhanced with digital content and interactions through the Particle app.

The project, accompanied by a curatorial text by Ilaria Bonacossa, director of MNAD, explores the impact of technology on everyday life and its relationship with art in terms of creativity, consumption, and interaction. The various influences between humans and technology, with their potential short circuits, help us rethink the cultural certainties that have characterized our time until now, increasing awareness of necessary changes in the way we live and approach important contemporary issues.

Thanks to the Particle app, the exhibition experience within the Caselli Daziali building is extended in terms of time, space, and accessibility. Both on-site and remotely, it is possible to access digital content through immersive pages and multimedia pathways (Routes) with interactions and storytelling composed of narrative elements, audio-video, visuals and augmented reality installations.